Business as usual and some birdhouses
We spoke with the founder and owner of Secto Design Tuula Jusélius, who is also the CEO of Sectomo factory, where the beloved lamps are being made by highly skilled local carpenters. How have the passed weeks been at the factory? Have the carpenters stayed busy with making lamps? What's the latest exciting idea the enthusiastic Sectomo folks came up with?
1. How do you stay positive during these exceptional times, Tuula Jusélius?
We at Sectomo enjoy that for once we have a chance to do the things in the production that usually are postponed to the future for 'when there's time'. So now, in addition to making design lamps, we fix, renovate, install, organize and clean. We have also a new water cutting line coming in, which will diversify our production even more. We are very excited about it, our carpenters will get to learn something new again!

Senior Carpenter Pekka preparing the bird house workshop for the colleagues.
2. What are you working on right now at Sectomo?
We make Sectos, Octos, Victos, Attos and Owalos etc so the lamp production runs normally, only with less pressure. We develop existing models while we are working on new ones.
We also have a delightful special project of the spring: birdhouses! Our Senior Carpenter Pekka had a master class of the making process to the whole team. Everyone has now built their own birdhouses with individual designs. Together we have put them all up on the trees around the factory. A little bird told us that the first houses already have new tenants in!
We have also attended the "Pelasta pörriäinen" -campaign, that aims at protecting the nature's important pollinators. In this campaign one of the ways to help is to build an insect hotel, a
safe haven for the bugs. We have now been building dozens of those too and
placed them around our yard.

Riko, Outi, Helga and Otto doing some preparations.
3. What are you most looking forward to once this crisis is over?
We very much look forward to normal interaction. That everyone is gathered in the kitchen to have lunch together again. That we get to go to the international fairs to meet clients and colleagues. What we also look forward to, is seeing a permanent change in the consumption habits and even more respect for sustainable values that we cherish.
We naturally also look forward to having coffee breaks out in the yard in the summer with the accompaniment of a chorus of birdsong and happily buzzing bees!

Helga, Otto and Riko putting the finished birdhouses and insect hotels up on the trees.
To delight our readers we get to share the birdhouse instructions by Pekka the Senior Carpenter of Sectomo. You can download the instructions through the link below.
Good luck with building your own one!
Download the Birdhouse instructions